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Science Fiction


    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P


      The Virus/Earth II series has six of the seven books released. The last book will be out later this year. If you join my reader’s list at
      you’ll get the first book for FREE. It is listed for sale on Amazon at $.99. I would suggest though that you buy the Virus boxset, which includes books 1 & 2.

      That will give you a much better view into the series. I hope that you enjoy them. FYI- most of the series is also on Audible.

      Ray Jay Perreault

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      Right now, I’m narrating my own. I hope that you’re not subtly telling me that I stink as a narrator? FYI the audio version already ‘in the can’ and should be out by June.

  1. Nancy A Folland Nancy A Folland

    Sorry but your newsletter contained too many errors for this retired English teacher. Wrong break should be brakes, was should be were. I look at details and this turned me off.

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      Sorry if a bad product slipped out. Systems that automatically fill in words sneak by sometimes. If you haven’t deleted the offending message, I’d appreciate it if you sent it back to me. Then, if possible, I can correct the mistake.

  2. Julian White Julian White

    The Progeny’s Descendant’s cover is okay – attractive enough but perhaps a little too generic? That said, I do like the spaceship! I’m about due for a reread, I think…

    Take care,


  3. Marla Fund Marla Fund

    I love your books but Survivor has a lot of grammar issues. I strongly suggest another review for corrections. Thanks for such great stories!

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      I appreciate your comments, and you’re right. Unfortunately, I can’t afford a professional edit, which can cost more than $800. So, I do the best I can.

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      I’m glad that you like my Gemini cover. I hope that you’ve read the book and please lease an honest review.

  4. Sunshine Amthauer Sunshine Amthauer

    I would love to become a reader if you are still writing. Your name was in my contacts folder. I will be checking out your books 📚. Thanks

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      I should note that if you join my Reader’s Club you’ll get three of my books FREE, then you’ll also get offers for other good deals. Mailchimp (my email database provider) is having techincal issues with my sign up page. If you’d like just send me your email address and I’ll put you on the list to get your three free books.

  5. Sunshine Amthauer Sunshine Amthauer

    I was cleaning up my contacts and ran into your name. Are you still writing?? I will be checking your books 📚 next week. Many Thanks, Sunshine

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      Yes, I’m still at it. I released on ebook and two audiobooks last year. This year, I hope to release the audiobook version of “Earth II-Confrontation,” the last book in the series by this summer. I also hope to have a new book out later this year which takes the children of Joan and Tom Herl, and Darlene and BG Drummond on their adventure.

    • Ray Jay P Ray Jay P

      If you’re asking about the audiobook coupons, I’m afraid they’re only available through the two domains; .com and .com/uk. All of them are available through

  6. Glen Harrison Glen Harrison

    I found your writings after a recommendation from a coworker, who is an avid reader. Most of the time, I listen to audio books from Audible. I just finished my first book by you, which was volume I in the Virus series. I thought it was well paced and look forward to seeing how the story develops. My listen seemed well timed with so much recent discussion regarding AI. Geoffrey Hinton gave an interesting interview regarding this subject, on the PBS News Hour last night.
    I wish the first and second volumes had been in a set, as I usually become more interested in a series when box sets are available.
    I have 423 books in my Audible library. If you are interested in increasing your reach, I can tell you what led me to many of my more enjoyable series. In order to maximize the value of my monthly points, I often search the Sci-Fi section, sorting the titles by length, and start browsing the longest titles. I have also found many series by finding the first couple of volumes in the free Plus Catalog section. Many times I have gone on to purchase many more titles and/or complete the series.
    Among my most enjoyable reads found in this way, are: Middle Falls Time Travel, The Chronicles of St Mary’s, Hell Divers, Destroyermen, The Lost Fleet, and my most recent find Bob and Nikki. All of these I found by searching for title length and/or in the Plus Catalog.
    As an experiment, you might try combining the first 3 volumes of the Virus/Earth series, and place them in the Plus section. Most likely I would have found your titles if they were grouped like this; as I usually first look for long free series, especially when I am out of points. In all of the series I listed in the previous paragraph, I went on to purchase many more titles from the authors, once I finished the free titles.
    Just a thought.
    Take care, and thank you for an enjoyable listen.

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